Mobirise Website Builder


When the control system is started it firsts interrogates the various interfaces to determine the, current position of all points, and set all signals to Red. After a small delay the DCC track power is turned on, and any occupied track sections are reported.

The track display will then be updated to reflect the point positions and occupied track sections.

The system is now ready for train running. 

Running Sessions

I have two options for "Automatic" running:
1. Load a timetable which runs a train in each direction every 5 minutes or so from the storage sidings back to the          storage sidings.
2. Select specific Loco's and Routes for single trips, or repeated trips after a configurable delay. 

When the timetable is running, at the allocated start time a 'Trip' is activated which assigns the          locomotive in the timetable to the trip throttle.

When the start delay expires the 'Trip' will set the first route (if available) and set to the throttle to the speed assigned to the first route, the next route is then set( Train Running on Green aspects).  

The train will be routed as per the trip, at speed allotted to each route, stopping at stations if required for a designated time, and playing sounds like guards whistle, and train whistle/horn at designated locations (Tunnel Mouths etc.). If a route cannot be set, the train will slow to a halt at the red signal and wait until the route becomes free.


This allows me to run a trip between 2 points, either 'start to start', or 'start to end'. When running 'start to start' the trip can be repeated. 
This mode allows for 'Shuttle' moves and moves to siding/shed.

Whilst the timetable or ARS/ATC is running I can then run 'special trains and do shunting, by manually setting routes from the display being careful to obey signals. 

© Copyright 2023 Robspalu Railways

AI Website Creator